Alive Again is a YouTube series that follows the journey of Anthony Farid around Thailand and here in Kombat Group as he fights his battles with obesity and depression. We see his mentality and physicality change as he pushes himself day by day with the assistance of our trainers, fighters and cooks. As we join his journey to becoming a healthier version of himself, we will also get the opportunity to join him as he explores what makes Thailand the most beautiful and unique destination in the world.

Stay tuned and visit the blog frequently to see what Anthony and his crew are up to!

19 May 2020: Burapa Bikers Week – Episode 19

One this week’s episode of Alive Again, we check out one of Asia’s largest motorcycle festival in our on backyard in Pattaya.

It is my last week training here with Kombat group. So we hit the scale one more time to see what type of results I got training with these incredible people in a dream like resort in the middle of Thailand.

As the world comes together to help fight this pandemic it is also time for us to head home and do our part. This is not goodbye but rather we’ll see you later.

Until we see each other again, remember to make today better than yesterday.

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05 May 2020: A taste of Thailand – Episode 17

If you are trying to reach a fitness goal then I can guarantee that you have heard that old but true saying that it all starts in the kitchen. So in this episode we go out to a local market to shop for fresh ingredients to make authentic Thai dishes.

Harmony is the guiding principle behind each Thai dish. Those sour, sweet, salty, bitter and spicy flavors that work together to make each dish come alive is a marriage of centuries-old Eastern and Western influences harmoniously combined into something uniquely Thai.

Along the way Florian and I stop to try black scorpions, jack fruit, and chicken hearts.

Until the next episode, join the journey and inspire others.

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28 April 2020: Visiting a tiger park – Episode 16

It is important to start the day right. That could mean very different things depending on who you are talking to you. Since I am trying to reach my fitness goals, I like to hit the gym first thing in the morning. So that exactly how I start this week’s episode by meeting up with Vitor and getting a one on one Muay Thai session in.

Florian and I had some time to kill before heading to the Muay Thai Arena to cheer on Vitor as he fights for the belt. So we decided to something a bit controversial.

We were invited to visit a Tiger Park in Pattaya but after hearing all the news in-regards to drugging, whipping, and mis-handling of these remarkable beauties around the world and especially here in Thailand just for some foreigner’s ignorant perception of privilege, we declined. We do not support any type of animal abuse. However, they were persistent. After agreeing that we have full control in the edit, we said we will go. Our hopes were to shed some light on this particular establishment. Were they drugging their tigers? Forcing them to perform tricks? Do the really love the animals in their care? Watch to see….

We wrap up the show cheering on Vitor as he fights for what he believes is his.

Until the next episode, join the journey and inspire others.

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21 April 2020: Exploring Thailand’s markets – Episode 15

On this weeks episode of Alive Again : We start the day right by training hard and staying on a positive mind set. It’s a beautiful feeling when you stick to your goals and start seeing results. I am now able to run futher, train harder, and enjoy it which was not the case only a few weeks ago.

After our training session with incredibly energetic coaches here at Kombat Group. I hear a commotion outside. I come to find out that there is a snake trying to attack the chickens out side our camp at our neighbors coup. Being a lover of all animals, especially snakes, I went running to see if I could rescue the snake before anything went wrong. Fortunately, I got there in time. Unfortunately, we did not have time to grab the cameras before I went running off and we were only able to film the after math. Most importantly the snake and chickens are both safe.

We end the show doing what I love most, exploring Thailand Markets. Every Saturday the Ban Chak Ngaew – Chinese Walking Street is held in Chonburi, Pattaya. You can find some of the most interesting and sometimes bizarre foods due to the unique outcome of Thai-Chinese fusion cuisine.

Until the next episode, join the journey and inspire others.

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14 April 2020: Bathing Elephants in Thailand – Episode 14

It is going to be another beautiful day. I’m finally going to do something I have been wanting to do for a really long time. Florian and I are going to be spending the day with elephants here in Pattaya. Earlier in the season we discussed the severe issues with elephant riding camps. WE ARE STRONGLY AGAINST ANY ELEPHANT RIDING CAMPS. So we called up Elephant Jungle Sanctuary in Pattaya so they can show us what a real caring sanctuary looks like.

If you are planning to go to Thailand and are hoping to spend time with these beautiful gentle giants, I can not stress enough that Sanctuaries should be the ONLY WAY you do it.

After spending most the day with elephants, we head back to the gym to catch an intense functional training with Vitor.

We end the show with a bit of heart to heart and what it was like for me to be addicted to food especially junk food and sugar.

Until the next episode, join the journey and inspire others.

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31 March 2020: Are all carbs bad? – Episode 13

It’s all about the carbs. Before we get into that subject we need to get some training in. We start off this episode in the octagon with Cristiano who has been teaching Brazilian Ju-Jitsu with Kombat Group since day one.

Afterwards, I discuss the key differences that make good carbs and bad. Remember that each and every one of us are different. Our body’s will react differently when consuming any sort of calories. However, there are facts that go across the board and those are the ones we will discuss in this weeks episode.

We wrap up the show by supporting our good friend and rooting him on at his very first Muay Thai fight.

If you are interested in watching the full documentary of his fight, we will be releasing it this Wednesday.

Until the next episode, join the journey and inspire others.

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31 March 2020: A temple like no other – Episode 12

The title says it all. In all our years of traveling Florian and I have never seen a temple like this. The Sanctuary of Truth is definitely one of a kind. This temple was built is 1981 and due to the intensive upkeep, there is always some form of construction being performed. Each piece of wood carefully carved by hand.

There are many reason this temple stands out from the rest. One of them is that the entire structure was built out of WOOD and GLUE and interlocking joints. Not a single pice of metal or any other material was used to keep it together. While other temples have a one religion worshiped within them, the Sanctuary of Truth is a temple for all Christians, Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims and so on.

Until the next episode, join the journey and inspire others.

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24 March 2020: You are not alone – Episode 11

We are back from Phuket and it’s that time to check those numbers so lets jump on that scale.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to discuss a very serious topic. It is very important for us, especially in todays era of filters and the “perfect life” on instagram, youtube ect, that we discuss this so called silent killer (depression) and the reality of life. Depression can care less about race, wealth, religion and the list continues. Some of the funniest people (Robin Willams) struggle with depression. Although you see me travel, try new foods and get the chance to explore remote islands, I too have been fighting with depression. The most important step in getting out of depression is to talk about it. So thats what I’m going to do. I am going to take that first step and share with you what I have been going through and how I have been fighting to keep my head above the water. Hopefully, for those who are also in the same or similar situations will realize they are not alone and in return I will see that I am not alone.

If you are fighting with depression or if you have any advice lets start a discussion. Send me a massage and together we will find our way out of it.

Until the next episode, join the journey and inspire others.

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11 February 2020: Eating Rats

This week Anthony and Florian are back to Thailand and start off their day exploring Pattaya’s streets and markets. Eventually, they find a beautiful market that promotes the ban of plastic and does their best to use organic and recyclable products like bamboo, palm leaves, paper plates, etc.: Phelachy Market.

Then they head back to Kombat Group for BJJ practice. Afterwards, they are met with a surprise: Nat, the owner of the gym, arrived from her trip to North Thailand. With her, she brought the LARGEST RATS we have ever seen.

Note: we do not serve rats at Kombat Group! The decision to try this “delicacy” was all theirs.

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03 February 2020: How to do a Thai Visa Run in Laos

On this weeks episode of Alive Again Anthony and Florian head off to Laos to extend their Thai visa.
They get to wander the city of Vientiane as they wait for their visas for Thailand to be approved. They find themselves looking for off the grid authentic markets, they try some of the delicious food and hang out with some of the locals.

They also show what you need to do and what you should avoid when getting your Thai visa extended in Laos. Here is the list of the best hotels near the Royal Thai Embassy.

Until the next episode, remember to join the journey and inspire others.

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28 January 2020: Lost in Bangkok

On this week’s episode, Anthony and Florian get a chance to hit the streets of Bangkok.

They start off their journey exploring an old market where the vendors set up their array of unique foods and hand made trinkets on train tracks. To their surprise, the train is still active and the vendors must quickly remove everything before the train comes through.
Maeklong Railway Market

After, they find themselves in what could be arguably a tourist trap, at the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. Everything is twice if not three times more expensive and it can get very busy with many tourists. However, if your heart is set on visiting this market, we strongly suggest you arrive as early as possible to beat the heat and crowd.

They end the day strong by exploring the largest china town in Thailand. This place is a must-see. This is by far one of the best markets they had the opportunity to visit. The staggering numbers of vendors and the incredible variety of food will keep wanting to see what’s around the next corner.
China Town Market

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21 January 2020: Training starts

On this week’s episode reality sets in.

After more than a year and a half of doing nothing except for eating, sleeping and sh!$%ing it is time to put words into action.

It’s time for a change.

What better way to start, then to shave off a year-long beard and finally walk into a gym and actually begin training. We learn the fundamentals of Muay Thai, how to wrap your hands, and not surprisingly the lack of upper body strength that Anthony now has.

As exhausting as it is to do basically any physical activity at this moment, we are proud that today for Anthony was the first step on the road to recovery for both his mental and physical state.

No matter how small the first step is, as long as it is in the right direction then you will be that much closer to your goal.

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13 January 2020: weight-in day

On this week’s episode, we take it from the beginning. Who is Anthony, how he got obese, and how he fell into depression.

Barbara Gandini, the head operational manager of Kombat Group, will explain what makes Kombat Group different from all the rest of the fitness/fight camps in Thailand. Barbara also breaks down what the next few months are going to look like as Anthony tries to reach his fitness goal

After a year and half of eating as much as he can and whatever he wants, he steps on the scale and sees the number.

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12 January 2020: the adventure starts

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Alive Again is a new fitness, travel, adventure series. In this show, we will follow the epic journey that Anthony Farid took upon himself to hopefully inspire those who want to make a change in their own life.

He will lay everything on the table and discuss the true struggles of being overweight such as food addiction, depression and what it takes to feel Alive Again.

As he takes the steps towards a better version of himself, he will also be exploring the fascinating culture and incredible people of Thailand.

Join the journey and inspire others.

Disclaimer: Anthony is not a health professional or fitness coach. What works for him, may not work for you. This is his own journey that we hope can motivate others. Kombat Group is not responsible for incorrect information.